Writing Course - Writer in Residence Support Package - 4 Workshops

The complete writing package, Four, 3-hour sessions including 121 support and feedback, all the support you need to start your story.

Venue: Liskeard Library


The complete writing package, Four, 3-hour sessions including 121 support and feedback, all the support you need to start your story.

We are excited to offer all of the creative writing workshops on offer at Liskeard Library and package them together to support emerging writers. Whether you are starting a writing journey of exploration or continuing an existing project, this packages will support your creative writing development and progression.

This is the complete creative writing support package that offers all the sessions in the series delivered by our writer in residence.

The course gives you access to:

· Attendance to all 5

– Saturday 13th April 2024 10am-12pm Crafting Characters

– Saturday 11th May 2024 10am-12pm Bring Your Writing To Life

– Saturday 22nd June 2024 10am-12pm Plot & Structure

– Saturday 13th July 2024 10am-12pm Dialogue

– Saturday 17th August 2024 10am-12pm Writing For Competition

· One in-person 30 minute 1-2-1 coaching session (following a workshop)

· One 30 minute online 1-2-1- coaching sessions (at a time of your choosing)

· An edit of 3,000 words of your writing.

We look forward to welcoming you at Liskeard Library

More Information on Individual Workshops

Crafting Compelling Characters – Saturday 13th April 10am-1pm

Make your characters leap off the page and resonate with readers. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or complete beginner, this fun, productive workshop for adults will help you create believable protagonists, antagonists and all other characters that make up your stories.

You will explore how to:

· Know what characters you need in your story
· Create 3D characters
· Draw readers deeper into your protagonist’s psyche
· Make readers relate to and care about your characters
· Strengthen reader interest in your story.

You’ll write lots on this workshop and read anything aloud that you’d like to (no pressure if you’d rather not). Should you wish, you’ll receive positive, constructive feedback on your writing and will leave with either a number of new characters in development or a clearer understanding of characters you have already been working on.

Bringing Your Writing To Life – Saturday 11th May 10am-1pm

Think of a favourite book and how it made you feel as you were reading it. The best stories sweep readers into a literary world, forcing you to experience the struggles and dreams of characters you’ve never met. In this workshop – whether you’re a seasoned writer or complete beginner – you’ll explore how to do just this by:

· Using vivid descriptions
· Engaging the senses
· Evoking emotions
· Choosing words that keep your writing fresh
· Developing the details of your setting.

You’ll write lots on this workshop and read anything aloud that you’d like to (no pressure if you’d rather not). Should you wish, you’ll receive positive, constructive feedback on your writing and will leave with a better understanding of how to make your work linger in the mind of readers long after they’ve read it.

Plot & Structure – Saturday 22nd June 10am-1pm

Keep readers glued to your pages and avoid the dreaded ‘story-wandering’ by mastering the essential elements of plot and structure. In this workshop – whether a seasoned writer or complete beginner – you’ll learn how to write compelling prose and poetry that keeps readers on an exciting journey of discovery by exploring:

· What plot and structure are

· Brainstorming of new ideas

· Shape/structure of a story

· Storyboarding and storytelling

· How to plot using story arcs and diagrams.

You’ll write lots on this workshop and read anything aloud that you’d like to (no pressure if you’d rather not). Should you wish, you’ll receive positive, constructive feedback on your writing and will leave with a better understanding of how important it is to plot and structure either a novel, short story or poem so that readers keep reading.

Dialogue – Saturday 13th July 10-1pm

Writing good dialogue can be hard. It’s extremely important to keep readers immersed in your story and sometimes, unbelievable dialogue can pull them out of it. Keep readers turning those pages by mastering this essential skill and start having fun with the way your characters talk to each other.

In this workshop – whether a seasoned writer or complete beginner – you’ll learn how to write believable dialogue that serves a purpose in your story by exploring:

· What makes believable dialogue
· How characters in conflict converse
· How to inject subtext into your dialogue
· How dialogue can inform character
· Revealing story through dialogue

You’ll write lots on this workshop and read anything aloud that you’d like to (no pressure if you’d rather not). Should you wish, you’ll receive positive, constructive feedback on your writing and will leave with a better understanding of how important good dialogue is and how to write it.

Writing for Competition – Saturday 17th August 10am-1pm

Competitions are an important tool we can use to help nurture our writing skills and profile. But how and why should we approach them?

You may be looking to better structure your writing practice, gain industry/reader exposure, win an award or perhaps even go viral. You might be hoping to attract an agent, publisher or mentor. Writing for competition can help you get closer to all of these goals. In this workshop, whether a seasoned writer or complete beginner, you’ll learn how best to leverage competitions and the writing you produce for them by:

· Exploring the importance of writing competitions
· Considering what different competitions are looking for
· Gaining insight into how other writers plan for and enter competitions
· Drafting an entry for a competition of your choosing
· Learning about the Liskeard Library Creative Writing Competition

You’ll write lots on this workshop and read anything aloud that you’d like to (no pressure if you’d rather not). Should you wish, you’ll receive positive, constructive feedback on your work and will leave with a better understanding of the important role competitions can play in your writing. You’ll also develop a framework/strategy to funnel your own competition entries through.

The Liskeard Library Creative Writing Competition closes for general entries in July 2024, however attendees of this session will – as part of the cost of their workshop – be allowed to submit one entry for judging. As a result, you may see your work distributed within the library and be paid for it too.

Peter McAllister studied English Literature at The University of Cambridge and was awarded a Distinction for his MA in Creative Writing. He is the editor and co-founder of Inkfish Magazine and a committee member for the Penzance Literary Festival. With more than a decade of experience coaching creative professionals and students, Peter is proud to be helping Liskeard writers improve their skills in his role as our Inaugural Writer in Residence.

Peter’s writing blurs the boundary between novel and short story collection; it builds layers of characterisation through linked pieces that result in profound moments of self-realisation and/or dramatic action. He was shortlisted in the Hammond House International Literary Prize and the Ironclad Creative Awards in 2023. His short stories and poems have appeared online, in print journals and in numerous anthologies and his debut book is slated for publication in 2024.