Sensory Screenings: Out of the Toybox & Terrific Travels
Visit Market Hall for a truly immersive experience. Explore new worlds in our state-of-the-art dome - the only one of its kind in Europe!
Venue: Market Hall
Date: Sun 16th Mar | 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Sensory screenings will run with a lower capacity and a lower volume for a calmer experience.
Out of the Toybox
Blocks, numbers, and letters tumble and fall from a huge open toybox!
An experience to encourage creativity for your little ones. What will they build?
Created by IVAR Studios
Funded by The Rank Foundation
Total running time: 25 minutes
Terrific Travels
Step into a storybook from the comfort of a beanbag.
Experience trainspotting in a wild forest, venture into the city with cars and planes, before heading to the stars. Finally, dive underneath the sea with submarines swirling around.
Remember to look around and see how many things you can spot! Nothing stays the same for long…
Created by Immersive-Me
Funded by The Rank Foundation
Total running time: 25 minutes