Get back into creative routine and intuitive art making while filling your sketchbooks and art journals with the guidance from Viola Hortova

Venue: Real Art Make Print at Ocean Studios


Get back into creative routine and intuitive art making while filling your sketchbooks and art journals with the guidance from Viola Hortova

Come and join RAMP (Real Art Make Print) and mixed media artist Viola Hortova in sketchbooking workshop which will get you back into your daily creative routine, and intuitive art making, while helping you fill your sketchbooks and art journals.

This workshop will introduce you to new techniques and art exercises and support you in your creative expression as a way of day-to-day reflection. You will experiment and explore different points of view on art, add in some mindful mark making, intuitive drawing, colour sessions, and in general make it playful. This workshop will help you loosen your brush strokes and make your daily creative practice fun, quick, and thoughtful.

Your sketchbook will be full in no time!

Session’s themes:

1) Friday 12th April – Introduction into intuitive sketchingFloral still life sketching – you will do some creative sketching exercises to loosen up your sketching style and fill up multiple sketchbook pages.

2)Saturday 20th April Noticing colour and impact of colour – How to capture your day with colours – use of colour will be the main subject of this session. We will do multiple exercises and even take your sketchbook outside for a bit.

3) Friday 10th May – Trees Sketching – as part of Plymouth Urban Tree Festival 2024 we will take our sketchbooks outside and practice sketching trees. We will try some fun sketching exercises to support more intuitive sketching.

4) Saturday 25th May – Meditative sketching, creative healing & daily abstract art making with Art Therrapist Magdalena Hort – daily art making and journaling as part of your self care, self exploration and well being.

5) Friday 7th JuneSketching on location – you will learn how to take your sketchbook everywhere you go and how to capture the moment and surroundings in a quick and stress free way.

What to bring:

Bring your sketchbook and art supplies of your choice. I am a huge believer that great art can be made with any type of material, so just bring something that you want to try out, or you like working with.

I will also bring a variety of art materials and papers, just in case.

Cost & attendance:

£8 (plus fees) per single session.

This workshop is suitable for people from 10 – 100 years old. Underaged participants must be accompanied by an adult parent or guardian.

Sessions will only go ahead with minimum of 7 attendees.