Chemistry of Life - The Big Green Trail

This screening is part of The Big Green Trail and will be preceded by Green Minds, a short film celebrating rewilding projects in Plymouth.

Venue: Market Hall


This screening is part of The Big Green Trail and will be preceded by Green Minds, a short film celebrating rewilding projects in Plymouth.

Chemistry of Life

What do all living things have in common? How tiny are molecules? What happens inside our cells after we eat? In Chemistry of Life – The invisible inside you will go on an adventure to find an answer to these questions and many more. The film focuses on chemical processes that are essential to all life on Earth. To do this you will shrink to a few nanometers in size and travel deep inside the cells of plants and humans to explore the chemistry of life. You will also find out why you cannot see molecules even with the most powerful light microscopes and get to know some of the tools that researchers use today to be able to learn more about our invisible inside.

The Big Green Trail

This showing of Chemistry of Life is part of The Big Green Trail!

The screening will be preceded by Green Minds, a short film celebrating community rewilding projects in Plymouth.

Find out more about The Big Green Trail and the fun and inclusive events taking place across Plymouth at:

Total running time: 32 minutes