Moving, Swirling Waters

Come along to a free screening as part of the Plymouth Art Weekender Festival!

Venue: Market Hall

Next Date: Sat 19th Oct | 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm

Multiple dates
October 2024 Sat 19th 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm Sun 20th 1:00 pm - 1:45 pm


Come along to a free screening as part of the Plymouth Art Weekender Festival!

Moving, Swirling Waters

A Sometimes Project.

Selected films from over 95 international submissions all on the theme of water. A silent swirl through a myriad ways to think about water with vivid colours and playful ideas!

Real Immersive are delighted to be showing Moving, Swirling Waters in the immersive dome as part of Plymouth Art Weekender.

Running time: 45 minutes